Our CSR Initiative

Prime Investor Service is not just about investing your money to make profits.
A part of our profits is reinvested in our CSR Initiatives!


What is a CSR Initiative?

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is the term used to refer to the commitment that every business provides to the community it strives to succeed in. It is basically a combination of the company’s efforts to both

  • ‘give back’ to the community that has helped it grow and
  • ‘pay it forward’ to the betterment of future generations


Why CSR?

It is vitally important that every successful organization adopt CSR initiatives to improve the quality of life of the people that make it – from its employees to the overall society.

Change begins at our doorstep – a timeless saying that holds true even today. Changing the education system of the country or tackling the hugely important problem of climate change need not be an initiative left to our scientists and policymakers. Every one of us can take some measure – small or big – to bring about the change we want.

Prime Investor Service is a firm believer in being a change initiator and in taking responsibility for the world around us. That is why, every year, 5% of our profits are reinvested in different CSR initiatives in the following year. We believe in multiple causes and we have adopted 4 different causes – one for each financial quarter.

What Are Our Initiatives?

First Quarter (Apr to Jun) – A brighter future.

Our future generations, and the quality of education they get, is the best possible capital that the country can build. In time for the beginning of school terms, in this quarter, we focus on funding the education for deserving (Merit and Need-based) students and offering soft skills training during the summer.

Second Quarter (Jul to Sep) – Greener Cleaner Earth.

A time of the year when most parts of the country just begin to see a spattering of rainfall and much needed relief from the summer heat. Let’s jump in early and not wait for the main monsoons to start conserving the water, and planting trees, and implementing other environment-friendly measures such as recycling plastics.

Third Quarter (Oct to Dec) – Health IS Wealth.

The country has a high population but do we have a healthy population? Let’s take care of one another so that we have a healthy and strong workforce - both physically and mentally. Prime Investor Service’s initiatives for this quarter would include everything from blood donation camps to stress buster workshops.

Fourth Quarter (Jan to Mar) – Rooting for our roots.

Hollywood might show potato production in Mars but as long as we still inhabit the Earth, our dependence on farming is never going to reduce. A much-neglected sector, Prime Investor Service is supporting a back-to-basics initiative to provide aid for farmers and to implement sustainable agriculture initiatives and to modernize farming technologies.

When Should I Support This CSR?

Do you need to support us only in the quarter when we support your pet cause? Absolutely not! Any support is welcome, throughout the year. Reach out to us anytime! Our profits for any given year are equally channeled back into these exciting initiatives.